笔者的设备为Redmi Note 13 Pro+,搭载MIUI 14与Android 13。
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输入*#*#284#*#* |
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在电脑上打开日志文件压缩包 |
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事实上,这个文本文件非常大,笔者这里有高达164 MB,grep
在笔者的环境版本下,推荐检索关键词为UFS mv
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闪存信息 |
------ UFS mv (/proc/mv) ------
D: 0x06 12
U: 0x01ad 512 H9RT2GGA65X031 A003
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查询到的简单信息 |
例如,该日志文件中还包含了有关电池的信息,检索Statistics since last charge
Statistics since last charge:
System starts: 0, currently on battery: true
Estimated battery capacity: 4346 mAh
Last learned battery capacity: 4605 mAh
Min learned battery capacity: 4605 mAh
Max learned battery capacity: 4605 mAh
Time on battery: 11h 45m 40s 131ms (98.8%) realtime, 11h 45m 40s 131ms (100.0%) uptime
Time on battery screen off: 9h 18m 37s 864ms (79.2%) realtime, 9h 18m 37s 868ms (79.2%) uptime
Time on battery screen doze: 18m 9s 221ms (2.6%)
Total run time: 11h 54m 14s 942ms realtime, 11h 54m 14s 941ms uptime
Battery time remaining: 6h 42m 58s 11ms
Discharge: 2927 mAh
Screen off discharge: 1264 mAh
Screen doze discharge: 64.0 mAh
Screen on discharge: 1663 mAh
Device light doze discharge: 975 mAh
Device deep doze discharge: 10.0 mAh
Start clock time: 2023-12-23-09-43-15
Screen on: 2h 27m 2s 267ms (20.8%) 109x, Interactive: 2h 26m 42s 244ms (20.8%)
Screen brightnesses:
dark 2h 10m 26s 876ms (88.7%)
dim 10m 49s 104ms (7.4%)
medium 4m 2s 181ms (2.7%)
light 12s 735ms (0.1%)
bright 1m 31s 371ms (1.0%)
Device light idling: 6h 56m 54s 71ms (59.1%) 25x
Idle mode light time: 6h 45m 7s 922ms (57.4%) 55x -- longest 16m 0s 52ms
Device full idling: 7m 21s 839ms (1.0%) 1x
Idle mode full time: 7m 21s 839ms (1.0%) 1x -- longest 7m 21s 839ms
Connectivity changes: 548
Total full wakelock time: 22m 41s 715ms
Total partial wakelock time: 9h 18m 37s 833ms
Total WiFi Multicast wakelock Count: 26
Total WiFi Multicast wakelock time: 4h 23m 25s 263ms
Logging duration for connectivity statistics: 11h 45m 40s 131ms
Cellular Statistics:
Cellular kernel active time: 33m 51s 992ms (4.8%)
Cellular Sleep time: 4m 37s 200ms (0.7%)
Cellular Idle time: 7m 26s 126ms (1.1%)
Cellular Rx time: 3m 28s 670ms (0.5%)
Cellular Tx time:
less than 0dBm: 23ms (0.0%)
0dBm to 8dBm: 108ms (0.0%)
8dBm to 15dBm: 222ms (0.0%)
15dBm to 20dBm: 11ms (0.0%)
above 20dBm: 7s 33ms (0.0%)
Active Cellular Radio Access Technology Breakdown:
Middle frequency (1GHz to 3GHz):
Signal Strength Time:
unknown: 2m 30s 121ms (7.4%)
Tx Time:
Rx Time: 24s 910ms (1.2%)
Unknown frequency:
Signal Strength Time:
unknown: 2m 22s 534ms (7.0%)
Tx Time:
Rx Time: 23s 943ms (1.2%)
All frequencies:
Signal Strength Time:
unknown: 1m 18s 727ms (3.9%)
good: 81ms (0.0%)
Tx Time:
Rx Time: 12s 303ms (0.6%)
All frequencies:
Signal Strength Time:
unknown: 27m 40s 650ms (81.7%)
Tx Time:
Rx Time: 2m 20s 674ms (6.9%)
Cellular data received: 120.41MB
Cellular data sent: 6.86MB
Cellular packets received: 106400
Cellular packets sent: 43157
Cellular Radio Access Technology:
oos 11h 39m 1s 145ms (99.1%)
lte 1m 18s 808ms (0.2%)
nr 5m 20s 178ms (0.8%)
Cellular Rx signal strength (RSRP):
very poor (less than -128dBm): 29m 17s 941ms (4.2%)
poor (-128dBm to -118dBm): 6h 7m 22s 127ms (52.1%)
moderate (-118dBm to -108dBm): 2h 38m 28s 510ms (22.5%)
good (-108dBm to -98dBm): 1h 13m 44s 299ms (10.4%)
great (-98dBm to -88dBm): 1h 16m 47s 254ms (10.9%)
Wifi Statistics:
Wifi kernel active time: 9h 38m 23s 458ms (82.0%)
WiFi Scan time: 4m 45s 273ms (0.7%)
WiFi Sleep time: 9h 1m 51s 224ms (76.8%)
WiFi Idle time: 2h 12m 26s 742ms (18.8%)
WiFi Rx time: 28m 48s 737ms (4.1%)
WiFi Tx time: 2m 33s 429ms (0.4%)
Wifi data received: 1.31GB
Wifi data sent: 399.78MB
Wifi packets received: 1330623
Wifi packets sent: 853777
Wifi states:
disconn 32m 7s 969ms (4.6%)
sta 11h 13m 32s 162ms (95.4%)
Wifi supplicant states:
disconn 30m 58s 602ms (4.4%)
scanning 1s 325ms (0.0%)
associating 8s 497ms (0.0%)
associated 2m 37s 86ms (0.4%)
4-way-handshake 22s 251ms (0.1%)
group-handshake 7s 396ms (0.0%)
completed 11h 11m 24s 974ms (95.1%)
Wifi Rx signal strength (RSSI):
poor (-88.75 to -77.5dBm): 28m 49s 404ms (4.1%)
moderate (-77.5dBm to -66.25dBm): 2h 11m 56s 733ms (18.7%)
good (-66.25dBm to -55dBm): 4h 50m 51s 452ms (41.2%)
great (greater than -55dBm): 4h 14m 2s 542ms (36.0%)
GPS Statistics:
GPS signal quality (Top 4 Average CN0):
poor (less than 20 dBHz): 5m 27s 561ms (0.8%)
good (greater than 20 dBHz): 34m 54s 171ms (4.9%)
Bluetooth total received: -51263843186B, sent: -33980814539B
Bluetooth scan time: 2h 42m 40s 959ms
Bluetooth Idle time: 1h 45m 10s 52ms (14.9%)
Bluetooth Rx time: 1m 4s 977ms (0.2%)
Bluetooth Tx time: 23s 559ms (0.1%)
Device battery use since last full charge
Amount discharged (lower bound): 62
Amount discharged (upper bound): 66
Amount discharged while screen on: 40
Amount discharged while screen off: 26
Amount discharged while screen doze: 1
Estimated power use (mAh):
Capacity: 4605, Computed drain: 2927, actual drain: 2855-3039
screen: 0.276 apps: 0.276 duration: 2h 27m 2s 268ms
cpu: 22.7 apps: 22.7
camera: 0.0228 apps: 0.0228 duration: 13m 39s 530ms
audio: 0.141 apps: 0.141 duration: 1h 24m 53s 333ms
video: 0.0160 apps: 0.0160 duration: 9m 36s 6ms
flashlight: 0.000211 apps: 0.000211 duration: 7s 589ms
system_services: 9.24 apps: 9.24
mobile_radio: 1.28 apps: 0.0521 duration: 33m 51s 992ms
sensors: 29.3 apps: 29.3
gnss: 0.0690 apps: 0.0690
wifi: 1.00 apps: 1.00
wakelock: 10.3 apps: 10.3 duration: 9h 18m 37s 865ms
ambient_display: 0.0303 apps: 0 duration: 18m 9s 221ms
idle: 71.9 apps: 0 duration: 11h 45m 40s 132ms
System starts: 0
:系统启动次数,这里是0次。currently on battery: true
:当前是否在使用电池供电,这里是true,表示正在使用电池供电。Estimated battery capacity: 4346 mAh
:估计的电池容量,这里是4346mAh。Last learned battery capacity: 4605 mAh
:最后学习到的电池容量,这里是4605mAh。Min learned battery capacity: 4605 mAh
:学习到的最小电池容量,这里是4605mAh。Max learned battery capacity: 4605 mAh
:学习到的最大电池容量,这里是4605mAh。Time on battery: 11h 45m 40s 131ms (98.8%) realtime, 11h 45m 40s 131ms (100.0%) uptime
:电池使用时间,这里是11小时45分钟40秒131毫秒,占总时间的98.8%,设备运行时间为11小时45分钟40秒131毫秒,占总时间的100%。Time on battery screen off: 9h 18m 37s 864ms (79.2%) realtime, 9h 18m 37s 868ms (79.2%) uptime
:屏幕关闭时的电池使用时间,这里是9小时18分钟37秒864毫秒,占总时间的79.2%,设备运行时间为9小时18分钟37秒868毫秒,占总时间的79.2%。Time on battery screen doze: 18m 9s 221ms (2.6%)
:屏幕休眠时的电池使用时间,这里是18分钟9秒221毫秒,占总时间的2.6%。Discharge: 2927 mAh
:放电量,这里是2927mAh。Screen off discharge: 1264 mAh
:屏幕关闭时的放电量,这里是1264mAh。Screen doze discharge: 64.0 mAh
:屏幕休眠时的放电量,这里是64.0mAh。Screen on discharge: 1663 mAh
:屏幕开启时的放电量,这里是1663mAh。Device light doze discharge: 975 mAh
:设备轻度休眠时的放电量,这里是975mAh。Device deep doze discharge: 10.0 mAh
:设备深度休眠时的放电量,这里是10.0mAh。Start clock time: 2023-12-23-09-43-15
:开始计时的时间,这里是2023年12月23日09点43分15秒。Screen on: 2h 27m 2s 267ms (20.8%) 109x, Interactive: 2h 26m 42s 244ms (20.8%)
:屏幕开启的时间,这里是2小时27分钟2秒267毫秒,占总时间的20.8%,互动时间为2小时26分钟42秒244毫秒,占总时间的20.8%。Screen brightnesses
:屏幕亮度的使用时间,包括暗、昏暗、中等、亮和超亮五个等级。Device light idling: 6h 56m 54s 71ms (59.1%) 25xIdle mode light time: 6h 45m 7s 922ms (57.4%) 55x -- longest 16m 0s 52ms
:设备轻度休眠的时间,这里是6小时56分钟54秒71毫秒,占总时间的59.1%,轻度休眠模式的时间为6小时45分钟7秒922毫秒,占总时间的57.4%,最长的一次为16分钟0秒52毫秒。Device full idling: 7m 21s 839ms (1.0%) 1xIdle mode full time: 7m 21s 839ms (1.0%) 1x -- longest 7m 21s 839ms
:设备完全休眠的时间,这里是7分钟21秒839毫秒,占总时间的1.0%,完全休眠模式的时间为7分钟21秒839毫秒,占总时间的1.0%,最长的一次为7分钟21秒839毫秒。Connectivity changes: 548
:连接变化的次数,这里是548次。Total full wakelock time: 22m 41s 715ms
:完全唤醒锁的总时间,这里是22分钟41秒715毫秒。Total partial wakelock time: 9h 18m 37s 833ms
:部分唤醒锁的总时间,这里是9小时18分钟37秒833毫秒。Total wiFi Multicast wakelock Count: 26
:WiFi多播唤醒锁的总次数,这里是26次。Total WiFi Multicast wakelock time: 4h 23m 25s 263ms
UID 1000: 25.4 ( cpu=7.58 (3h 12m 18s 479ms) video=0.00164 (59s 70ms) flashlight=0.000211 (7s 589ms) mobile_radio=0.000207 (7s 441ms) sensors=26.8 (2d 18h 39m 0s 535ms) gnss=0.0000222 (798ms) wifi=0.00261 wakelock=0.267 (14m 24s 715ms) reattributed=-9.23863750 )
以下是各个参数的含义,表示在UID 1000
cpu=7.58 (3h 12m 18s 479ms)
:CPU的能耗,这里是7.58,使用时间为3小时12分钟18秒479毫秒。video=0.00164 (59s 70ms)
:视频播放的能耗,这里是0.00164,使用时间为59秒70毫秒。flashlight=0.000211 (7s 589ms)
:手电筒的能耗,这里是0.000211,使用时间为7秒589毫秒。mobile_radio=0.000207 (7s 441ms)
:移动无线电的能耗,这里是0.000207,使用时间为7秒441毫秒。sensors=26.8 (2d 18h 39m 0s 535ms)
:传感器的能耗,这里是26.8,使用时间为2天18小时39分钟0秒535毫秒。gnss=0.0000222 (798ms)
:WiFi的能耗,这里是0.00261。wakelock=0.267 (14m 24s 715ms)